
Ethos and Values

Ashmole is committed to ensuring that every pupil, regardless of their starting point, makes excellent progress.

Ashmole will focus on providing the best possible academic outcomes for
each child as part of effectively preparing them to be successful at every
stage of their learning.

Ashmole will provide pupils with the opportunity to discover and develop their
talents and abilities in a wide range of disciplines in sports and the arts.

Ashmole prioritises the provision of a safe environment for its pupils with high
regard for their physical, mental and emotional safety and wellbeing

Ashmole has high expectations of pupils’ behaviour and through the development of supportive relationships it aims to enable pupils to be polite,

Ashmole works in partnership with its Wyvern Federation partners to maximise
the opportunities available to its pupils, parents and staff!

confident and ready to make a positive contribution to the school community
and beyond.

Ashmole is an inclusive school and is committed to ensuring that the diversity
of its community and the unique qualities of each child are recognised as a
strength which will enhance its pupils’ understanding of different cultures and
the wider world.

Ashmole expects to work in partnership with parents and carers to provide an
effective education for their children and to support the success of the school.

Ashmole makes the most of its location in central London and aims to
enhance pupils’ learning experiences by establishing meaningful partnerships
with high quality cultural, artistic and sporting organisations.

Ashmole works in partnership with its Wyvern Federation partners to maximise
the opportunities available to its pupils, parents and staff.

Ashmole expects that all stakeholders are committed to promoting and
developing its ‘core values’:

  • Be respectful
  • Be supportive
  • Be honest
  • Be fair
  • Be your best

Part of the Wyvern Federation