
Academic Outcomes and results

CLICK HERE to see the 2017/2018 pupil outcomes. 

CLICK HERE to see the 2018/2019 pupil outcomes (also outlined below.)

% of pupils achieving the expected standard or above in reading, writing and maths


% of pupils achieving a high level of attainment in reading, writing and maths


Progress scores in reading, writing and maths

R: 1.6

W: 1.1

M: 1.8

Average scaled scores in reading and maths

R: 106

M: 107

*Please note these are the most recent published pupil outcomes we have: no national outcomes were published for 2019/20 or 2020/21 due to COVID 19.

CLICK HERE to see the DFE website for Ashmole's most recent academic outcomes and results.

CLICK HERE to visit the national school and college performance tables.



Part of the Wyvern Federation