
Headteacher's Welcome

Thank you for your interest in Ashmole Primary School. I hope that our website will provide you with information about the school and help you to understand our values which are ambitious for every pupil.

A determination to deliver the best academic outcomes for each pupil whilst providing excellent opportunities for them to discover their talents in the wider curriculum is central to our vision. We have established partnerships with a number of high quality organisations, including Music Masters & Surrey Cricket Club at Oval Cricket Ground. 

Ashmole is a community school, with a family feel and the welcoming and inclusive environment attracts families from many cultures and backgrounds. The school successfully provides for a wide range of learners including those with Special Educational Needs, as well as more able pupils who achieve standards that are greater than those expected nationally in their academic subjects.

Pupils are supportive of each other and their positive behaviour, both in and out of lessons, is a strong feature of our success.

Ashmole was the winner of the London Evening Standard's 'Outstanding Achievement Award' in 2016 having been judged as 'Outstanding' in all areas by OFSTED in November 2016. Since November 2016, the school has continued to go from strength to strength, and this was recognised by OFSTED, in July 2023.

  • Pupils take pride in this happy, vibrant and exceptional school. Pupils talk with excitement and interest about their learning. Leaders and staff have created a culture of respect and kindness where everyone feels included. All pupils achieve well, because ambition and inclusion are at the heart of the school’s ethos.
  • Staff seek out exciting opportunities to enrich pupils’ learning and wider personal development. Pupils talked enthusiastically about the motivating range of visits and activities they experience at school.
  • Pupils’ behaviour is excellent. From an early age they understand adults’ high expectations, which they respond to very positively. Pupils trust staff to look after them. Bullying is rare and pupils know staff will deal with any concerns. Pupils described school as a happy, friendly and safe place. 
  • Parents are overwhelmingly positive about the school and the community spirit leaders have created. 
  • Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) access the curriculum successfully. High-quality support and training for staff help them to understand pupils’ individual needs. This helps staff know how best to adapt their teaching to ensure pupils with SEND thrive.
  • Pupils make exceptional reading progress, from the Nursery.
  • Leaders aim for pupils to build an individual sense of self. Through lessons, assemblies and extra-curricular clubs, pupils have a wealth of opportunities to develop their interests and understanding of the world beyond school. 
  • Staff are proud of their school and share leaders’ and governors’ high aspirations for the school community. Along with leaders, staff recognise that a constant drive for improvement has ensured the school’s success. They value the professional support and consideration of their workload that leaders provide.

                                                                               OFSTED Report, July 2023

Since having joined Ashmole as Headteacher in September 2021, I have worked together with an exemplary staff team to build upon its excellent foundations in order to continue to go from strength to strength. Together, we are a school that does not stand still, a school that strives for the very best for its children, and above all, a happy, vibrant and exceptional school that prides itself on serving the local community. 

Ashmole prides itself on being a community school, with a family feel, that is often commented upon by visitors to our school and since being in post, I have very much enjoyed working together with staff, parents and pupils, to continue to make Ashmole, the absolute best it can be. 

If you would like to be part of this special school, please do contact us to arrange a visit to meet our welcoming staff and see our pupils enjoying learning.

We look forward to meeting you and your child and expect that, if they join our school community, they will enjoy a nurturing and successful time at Ashmole Primary School.

Shelly Griffiths, Acting Headteacher

Part of the Wyvern Federation