Admissions Arrangements
Ashmole Primary School is a one form entry school. Each class has 30 places. We also have a Nursery Class, for which we manage our own admissions.
As a community school, all admissions (with the exception of Nursery) are done through our local authority, Lambeth.
Please contact our local authority, London Borough of Lambeth, to find out more about these admission arrangements.
Tel: 0207 926 9503
CLICK HERE for Nursery
CLICK HERE for Reception Admissions 2025
Prospective parents are welcome to visit the school (by appointment only).
If you would like to view the school please telephone the office on 0207 735 2419.
Reception Admissions 2025
If your child was born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021 and you are a Lambeth resident, you will need to apply for a Reception place online.
Apply on time and apply online!
The deadline for applications is midnight on Wednesday 15th January 2025.
If you apply after this date your application will be treated as a late application and will not be processed until April 2025.
Applications must be made directly through Lambeth Council.
If the school is oversubscribed, then places will be allocated according to the following list of priority:
- Looked After Children
- Siblings
- Children with Exception Medical or Social Needs
- Children of Staff at the School
- Distance
In Year Admissions 24/25
In year transfers are made via Lambeth School Admissions. (See website address above)